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How strategic website copywriting attracts your audience

Your website design is obviously important. It’s the design and images that will first attract someone. But it’s your words that will connect and invite them to stay.

The words on your website will convey your ultimate message.

So what do you write? Write your copy, in your own voice, to confidently tell your audience how you can provide them with a solution to a problem from the service you provide. This is the first thing that should be seen immediately on your homepage. This can be a transformation message or just simply stating what exactly you do. You can be clever and catchy, but only if you can also be clear and concise. Don't leave your visitor wondering, “What exactly are you offering?”.

Another simple yet super important piece in your website copy is your Call-to-Action. These are those buttons that link you to exactly what you want your visitor to do! Like “Let's book that perfect project together!” Make your Call-to-Action BOLD and enticing! This is ultimately the point of your website, right?

Get that dreamy client or customer to want your amazing service or that awesome thing that you provide that they just found out they have to have!

Don't overwhelm and clutter your site with too much copy. Most of those scrolling through your website are skimming through to see quickly if you are the right one for them.

You want your copy to be easy to read. Use STRONG HEADLINES and Supportive Subheaders.

Write stand-alone statements.

  • Share the big important points with bullets.

Write short and sweet copy, but always be concise and clear. Less is almost always more!

Your words are your voice that should ultimately be speaking to that one dream client or customer! There is more than one out there, but each one will read it as if you are talking to just them. And that feels good.

Copywriting Resource:

A fabulous and really fun resource to clear up your writer’s block can be found at Copy Uncorked. Seriously, grab a glass of wine and read these:

10 Conversion Copywriting Strategies for Your Website by Copy Uncorked

Why Clarity is Key: 5 Things Every Website Needs to See Results

To learn about using images to attract your audience, read this blog post — Tips for beautiful website images for your brand and how to best format them

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